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In today’s modern world, working from the comfort of an upscale, urban home such as Wesley Place Apartments in downtown Indianapolis is becoming a new norm. If you have the luxury of working from home, you want your workspace to be as functional - and stylish - as possible. Here are some ways to transform a room or cozy corner of your living space into a productive home office that reflects a functional balance between work and home life.

Choose the Right Spot
Selecting the perfect spot for your home office is crucial. Look for a space with ample natural light, minimal distractions, and enough room to accommodate your work essentials. Consider a corner near a large window or an unused alcove to create a dedicated workspace. Wesley Place offers spacious floor plans with up to 1100 square feet, providing the flexibility you need for your home office.

Invest in Quality, Functional Furniture
Choose furniture that not only enhances your productivity but also complements the sophisticated aesthetic of your living space, especially if your office space is in a place that is immediately visible to visitors. A standing desk is a modern option that helps you beat office inactivity and can be paired with an ergonomic desk chair or stool for those times when you do need to take a seat.

Organize with Style
Keep your workspace clutter-free by investing in chic storage solutions. Shelves, cabinets, and organizers help maintain order while contributing to the style of your home office. Consider decorative storage boxes and baskets to keep documents and office supplies neatly tucked away when you’re not using them.

Decor Matters Too!
Perhaps one of the major benefits of a home office is that you don’t have to work out of an impersonal cubicle under cold fluorescent lights. The decor you choose for your workspace can provide a sense of peace and comfort while supporting your productivity. Choose artwork, plants, and decorative pieces that resonate with your unique style without creating distractions or clutter. You might opt for natural light or a desk lamp that offers a comfortable level of warm light. A floor lamp can provide extra lighting without taking up valuable desk space.

Create a Green Oasis
In addition to purifying indoor air and adding life to sterile spaces, studies show that house plants can actually reduce stress and fatigue and improve your mood and concentration. You may want to choose low-maintenance indoor plants that thrive in the natural lighting your apartment provides.

Keep Your Tech Out of Sight
Your technology, while essential, doesn’t have to look like a jumble of cords and cables strangling your workspace. An under-desk cable tray, clips, or a cable sleeve can help keep unsightly cords and cables organized. You can also lay down a decorative rug to hide any cords that have to run across the floor to your wall outlets.

Establish Boundaries
Defining clear boundaries - both conceptual as well as physical - is particularly important when the lines between work and leisure can easily blur. Use a stylish screen, room divider, or strategically placed houseplants to create a distinct work zone within your living space. This can help keep the space you use for work separate from the space you use to relax and recharge.

Looking for a new home that seamlessly combines productivity with luxury? Take a tour of Wesley Place luxury apartments, Indianapolis. The modern amenities and spacious design provide the ideal framework for creating a space to suit any lifestyle. Reach out to our leasing team at (844) 753-0515 and choose your floor plan today.